Once more unto the breach, dear friend.

I’ve been away from here for awhile, I even have a few unfinished reviews I haven’t gotten around to completing and publishing. I’ve not got a good excuse and I wish I could blame it on the lack of time. Does anyone else find it hard to talk on their blog?

I find it increasingly hard to find something to talk about that isn’t drivel. I love food but don’t go out enough, I love Tech but don’t have enough to keep a blog interesting. I love Sci-Fi but I know TOO much about that which could make you run for the hills. Are there even any ‘You’s’ out there that are or would read my blogs? I want to keep it simple, talk about stuff I know and take it from there. It won’t all be light hearted and fun, I’ve had my share of bad times but I’ll try to keep the darkness at bay. 

For now I’ll start with major changes in my life. I’m having a baby, (medical miracle aside) we are due on July 2nd. Everything seems to be pacing itself nicely. We are a bit bigger than we should be and we have a scan at some point in the not to distant future to tell us if it’s an issue. We carried big for our youngest, Layla, and we seem to be on the same track as that pregnancy but I’ll keep you posted. 

Other news, I have a job. I do Admin at a local Taekwondo club part time four days a week. Not many hours but it gets me back in the game. I enjoy it for the most part, as with all things it has it’s ups and downs. One of the major ups is that I get to train there, which is something I have always wanted to do but I’ve been put off by silly minor things which the other students and Instructors have helped me realise are not debilitating things. Nervousness and embarrassment can be overcome. The club, its staff, instructors and other members are all fantastic. There is a great environment there and I’ve felt welcome as a member of staff and as a student with equal vitality and I am enjoying my training. 

On that note there is one thing I have decided to blog about and that is my training. I’m learning so much, not just about the Martial Art but also about myself and my perceived limitation which I’d like to share. Read, share or delete, it’s your choice but I’m gonna do it anyway. 

Categories: Dad, Life, Taekwondo, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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