
Review on Blogsy.


Just downloaded this app for my iPad for updating and adding to my Daddy Do A Lot website. It had great reviews on the Apple App Store it costs £2.99.


The format feels a lot easier to use than the Word Press App, and more comfortable for the iPad too.

I have only just started using it and already I feel comfortable with it. The App does seem to have almost everything that I am used to seeing and using with Word Press, both on the Mac and on the iPad are here plus a little more (Font Size and Font Family being two that immediately stand out.)

The only thing major that I really am bothered about not being here is the option to preview the changes you make in the actual website clearly, but I put that down to the novice in me. Nor is there any hyperlink option that I can easily see. If anyone has used this App and know then please drop me a line.

It publishes quickly to my blog and updates quickly too. The biggest plus to using this App is you can drag and drop photos into new or existing post/pages from the iPad Camera Roll, Word Press Media Library or The Web including your Twitter, Facebook or any other place your photos might be stored in the Cloud or Web.



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One thought on “Blogsy

  1. Thank you very much for writing about Blogsy. I’m happy to hear you are liking her.

    When you have time please check out our how-to videos. Users have told us that they really helped them get the hang of and most out of Blogsy. Blogsy can do many things that may not be obvious from looking at it. You can find them in the Settings menu under “How-To Videos” or you can find them here –

    To answer a couple of the questions in your blog post.

    To preview your post you have to publish it as a draft or post to your blog first. Or update a post which is already on your blog. Then you can tap review after you have done this. This is the same way the official WordPress app works. It has to be on your blog to be able to preview.

    There are three ways to create links with Blogsy. 1) Write the HTML yourself. 2) Select text then tap on “Link” in the popup bubble. 3) Select text then drag in the URL from the built-in browser to automatically make a link out of the text you selected. You can see how to do this in our Links how-to video.

    Happy Blogging,


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